through a mindblogging turn of events that included craigslist & my personal impatience, my friend jered and i went to go see 4 bars in manhattan & brooklyn that
want NYC Vineyard - Submerge to start meeting there.
we have alot of praying & thinking to do, b/c the one place we did see that could be feasible to fit us now w/ potential to grow is
the trash bar in williamsburg. its a rock&roll bar. only seats have been ripped out of vans & they have flames with the silohettes of 2 women at the front. it was wicked.
the guy who has been our contact to all of them seems to be really cool. he doesn't go to church and was really careful not to offend jered & I thinking that b/c we're a church things like the ramones playing before we start, having stained glass in a place or the flame/women art in front would put us off. jered made the comment that it was like these religious things were falling off of him as he'd bring these things up & we were like, "relax!". the guy even said that he'd check out our church if we start meeting in his space. wicked! thats not the first time i've heard that in the last few days....
its interesting b/c i remember hearing
todd hunter talk about in the jesuspeople movement, beginnings of the vineyard, etc that there was a push to "knock down the stained glass barriers" that keep the world away from jesus. that even having guitars in church was like a big deal and some christians thought they were satan himself.
even now... as we think about the prospect of moving into
THE mecca of secular young people in NYC, & meeting in a common space I've had to think about "will this offend", etc, etc.
MikeT was the one who gave me a reality check last night when he reminded me that we exist for the world. and yes, it will be a change (if this is the place... i'm not sure if it is), BUT if we actually are putting our money where our mouth is... and become more
OutWard Bound, then this is seriously something to consider.
On the other hand, jered and I left totally psyched about what the lord is doing here and that we get to be apart of a community of people in movement & seeing the kingdom come. how cool it would be in my mind for us to be
a church for the unchurched in our area. whenever i hear references to wimber talking like that it lights me up.
today's my dad's bday too. gotta call him soon.