Jesus Freaks - 15 years on
Some of you know the Jesus Freaks. They are a movement that started in Germany & have been long time friends of the Turrigiano's. Through that, they have had a huge impact on my life & in to our church.
Below is a video made about them (probably) 15 years ago & then a photo from the Vineyard NY's meeting Jesus Freaks in Hamburg in the early 90s. Look close & you'll see some people you know. I snatched these from the blogs of Mirko Sander & Martin Dreyer.
Below is a video made about them (probably) 15 years ago & then a photo from the Vineyard NY's meeting Jesus Freaks in Hamburg in the early 90s. Look close & you'll see some people you know. I snatched these from the blogs of Mirko Sander & Martin Dreyer.